Beiträge von Geru__

    Има история и история. На 30 000 км нов комплект съединител, н на 60 000 км изцяло нова скоростна кутия. Това означава, че всички неща, които ще видите накрая, не си струват за момента. Освен това има проблем със сервизния механизъм, но не и в механизма. С други думи, ако сте клиент, няма да чуете нищо от шума или от вечерта Около 200 000 км. Това означава, че колата е свързана към частите на двигателя, без да идва шум от високоговорителя.Има и гаранция за ремонт. Това е резултат от производството на пробег от 82 000 км, което е безопасно, едно и също място, случаи, пакет от 9 0 000 км не е този обект, но не е гарантиран. Талисманът е поразителен автомобил в концепцията, който се вижда ясно в интериора, не е задължително Пратеникът, който предхожда цената, не е освободен от съда. Карал съм БМВ и Мини Купър с такава кутия, все едно карам друга кола, няма нищо о This is a нервен переход към талисмана. Моят беше TCE200.

    My story is as follows. At 30,000 km a new set of clutches, at 60,000 km a whole new gearbox. As everyone here says, the behavior is good at first, but after a while it gets worse. According to the unofficial opinion of the service mechanics, the problem is software and not mechanical, as they have customers who do not listen to whether there is a noise or not and the cars are already over 200,000 km away. So the solution is either you drive while it's running without listening to see if there's any noise, if it's kicking and how it is, or you get on your nerves with warranty repairs. I personally chose to sell the car at 82,000 km, as I honestly expected that at 90,000 something would be wrong again, but the car was already out of warranty. Overall, the Talisman is a great car in concept, look, interior, but unrefined, which dictates the price but spoils the driving pleasure. I've driven a BMW and a Mini Cooper with such a box, it's just like driving a different car, nothing to do with the nervous behavior in the Talisman. Mine was TEC200

    Ich bin mir sicher, dass der Komfort mit R18 besser ist, aber ich habe brandneue R19 (403009048R - Espace) für 500 Euro gefunden und das Auto wird anders aussehen. Die wichtigste Frage ist also, ob sich das problemlos einfügt.

    Wenn ich für mehr als 1000 Euro nagelneue R19 von Renault Dealer kaufen muss, werde ich definitiv auf R18 bleiben.Meiner Meinung nach sollte das Auto mit R19 (403009048R - Espace) stabiler sein als mit R19 (403003754R - Talisman).Ich möchte wirklich mehr von Hudzi0960 hören, weil er sagte, er habe R19 mit ET42.

    Hallo,Zuerst tut es mir leid für das Englisch, aber ich spreche kein Deutsch.Ich möchte meinem Talisman 19-Zoll-Räder von Renault Espace zulegen.
    Sie sehen aus wie die Intiale 19-Zoll-Whlees, aber bei Talisman (403003754R) ist die ET ET49, auf der anderen Seite bei Espace (403009048R) die ET42.
    Ich überprüfe es in und sie sagten, dass es ohne Probleme passen wird, aber was denkst du Leute?
    Und ich möchte auch nach dem Fahrkomfort fragen, denn jetzt bin ich auf 245/45/18 intensiven Rädern und der Komfort ist OK, aber ich weiß nicht, wie es mit 19 "sein wird.
    Ich mache mir Sorgen, denn vor Talisman hatte ich Laguna III und darauf war der Unterschied zwischen 17 "und 18" sehr groß.
    Laguna III hatte einen schlechten Fahrkomfort auf 18 "und wenn in Talisman das Gleiche auf 19" ist, bleibe ich auf meiner 18 ".

    Danke im Voraus.


    First sorry for the English, but I don't speak German.

    I want to put 19 inch wheels from Renault Espace on my Talisman.
    They look like all the same like intiale 19 inch whlees but on Talisman (403003754R) the ET is ET49, on the other side on Espace (403009048R) the ET is ET42.
    I check it in and they said it will fit without any problems, but what you think guys?

    And also I want to ask about riding comfort level, because now I'm on 245/45/18 intense wheels and the comfort is OK, but I don't know how it will be with 19".
    I'm worried because before Talisman I had Laguna III and on it the difference between 17" and 18" was very big. Laguna III had awful riding comfort on 18" and if in talisman is the same on 19" I'm going to stay on my 18".

    Thank you in advance.